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Dr. A, Ophthalmologist
Category: Eye
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Experience: 23 Years of Experience
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I have a really strange pain in the left side of my face
Customer Question
I have a really strange pain in the left side of my face and behind the right eye. It started just a few weeks ago and does not go away. It comes and goes. I am a mother and the pain comes and goes with that. I do not get an infection and it does not hurt when I am awake. It is worse at night but does not go away when I am awake.
I had this same pain for two years after an injection of cortisone into my eyes. My back and shoulder felt so bad I could barely sleep. I saw an optometrist and he did an exam and gave me a steroid injection to the eyes. Then he did an ultrasound which confirmed the injections were working. Unfortunately a month after that it still felt the same. I just got another injection of cortisone but the pain hasnt gone away. I am wondering if it is possible that there is some residual cortisone left in my eyes which is causing the pain.
I would start by trying to stay away from any eye irritants, this could be stress, cold, allergies, etc. Also, you mentioned not having an infection, so you do not have a stye. That could be the cause of pain. It is possible you are dealing with dry eyes or allergies which could be related. This could also be a symptom of a larger problem such as thyroid disease.
Dr. A :
If you are having any of these problems then you should talk to your doctor. These could also be signs of some other condition.
I know this is a be359ba680
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